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Plaster Ceiling Board 4′ x 6′ x 9mm


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Plaster ceilings refer to the use of plaster materials, such as gypsum or lime plaster, to create decorative or functional ceilings in office spaces or houses. They are often installed as a finishing layer over the structural ceiling to provide a smooth and visually appealing surface.


Avaible Sizes: 

  • 4′ x 6′ x 9mm


Plaster Ceiling Metal Furring 

  • 8’
  • 12‘

** Metal Furring is made up from economical material, We will not be resposible for any steel corrossion occurence on the metal that might affected the screw corrossion as well.**



  • All product images shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual products may varies in term of size, type, brand, version, colour, and other relevant characteristics. 
  • Prices quoted are subject to change without notice, based on increases in cost price from suppliers.